School Life

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Values and Ethos

Horbury Academy is a dynamic community that promotes enjoyment in learning and extensive opportunities for young people in a warm and friendly environment. Our pupils consistently achieve positive outcomes in their GCSE studies. This academic excellence does not happen by accident; it is as a result of the highest expectations of all our pupils and staff. We work in partnership with pupils and parents to ensure the very best academic achievements for all our pupils. We encourage pupils to have a love for learning. We believe we provide them with the right skills, aptitudes and an appetite for learning that will last for a lifetime.



Horbury Academy strongly believes that pupils should be smartly dressed. We expect all of our pupils to attend wearing the Academy’s uniform correctly. Uniform checks take place on a daily basis, as pupils arrive at the academy, and throughout the day. Any pupil wearing items that do not conform to our policy will be asked to change into Academy uniform or asked to go home and change (subject to parental permission).



Pupils need to have the following items (their ‘5-a-day’) on a daily basis to ensure they make the most of their learning at Horbury Academy and at home. Every pupil is expected to show their 5-a-day at the purple line on their entry to the Academy each day.

  •  Planner

  • Black pens

  • HB Writing Pencils

  • Eraser

  • Ruler

  • Purple Pen

 A sturdy bag is also needed to contain their books, pencil case and planner.

 To be extra prepared, here’s a list of desirables; sharpener, drawing pencils 2B/4B, highlighter pens, pritt stick glue, protractor, pair of compasses and a scientific calculator.

Expectations for Recognition and Sanctions

  • Staff will praise pupils for their homework as appropriate, e.g. through verbal praise, stamps or SLT praise.

  • Where homework is not completed this should be recorded in a pupil’s planner to allow Academy staff and parents/carers to monitor the completion rates for homework.

  • Staff may use appropriate sanctions for pupils who fail to complete homework such keeping a pupil in at break to complete the work. Alternatively, staff may choose to keep pupils after school. This should be arranged with parents/carers via a note in their planner and a phone call home.

  • Where pupils persistently fail to complete homework on a regular basis (at least three times in a half term) then additional parental contact should be made beyond a planner note and pupils may be asked to attend a standards detention as necessary to complete the homework.


Pupil Well-being and Safeguarding

Horbury Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We are focused not only on supporting our pupils in their aspirations and academic goals, but also on their personal well-being and safety. A highly dedicated and trained team of pastoral staff will work with your child’s teachers to ensure that they are supported through their academic career at Horbury Academy. This team is comprised of the Pastoral Year Leaders, Education Welfare Officer, Attendance Officer and Child Protection Officer. Led by Assistant Principal Mr Sergeant, the Safeguarding Team work together to ensure that any concerns regarding pupil safety are addressed and endeavor to work in partnership with families wherever possible.

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Anti-Bullying: Prevention and Support

Horbury Academy take concerns regarding bullying extremely seriously and combat this using a range of strategies. When your child joins Horbury Academy, their Form Tutor will continue to support their transition, whilst also reinforcing expectations. We appreciate that bullying may be a common concern around pupils as they transition to secondary school; in response all pupils receive education and awareness about bullying and how to respond to it should it occur.



The aim of setting pupils homework is to improve the learning of all through the experience of self-study, using initiative and building up resilience. We will provide opportunities for pupils to:

  • learn independently of the teacher

  • practise skills learnt in the classroom

  • complete learning started in the classroom

  • experience meeting of deadlines in preparation for GCSE and Post 16 study and lifelong skills

  • revisit past learning to consolidate knowledge in preparing for examinations.

At Horbury Academy, we set homework for each subject. We recommend that pupils write their homework in their planner to help them to stay organised. In addition, we use a free app, called Show My Homework which helps pupils to stay on top of tasks set.


Horbury Academy provides refreshments in the Restaurant and Atrium café. Before school, at break and lunch, a range of items are available for purchase. Pupils are able to bring a refillable water bottle which they can fill from water coolers around the academy site at break or lunch time. This will reduce the use of single use plastics and ensure that pupils are hydrated throughout the day.

Our academy kitchen operates a cashless system run through the online system Tucasi. Parents can set up a Tucasi account on line and top up from home using a credit/debit card. Parents can access updates on spend and balances on this system. Pupils are able to see their spend each time they purchase something at the kitchen and also their balance.


Allergy Information

Gluten free options are available on request in the academy kitchen (e.g. wraps, jacket potatoes, pasta) - pupils should speak with the catering team if they have a request for lunch that day. Nuts are not used in the academy kitchen as a general rule; however we cannot guarantee that purchased products have been produced in an environment free from traces of nuts.

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Supporting Students with Medical Conditions

From time to time pupils may experience a temporary illness or health concern, however if your child has a long term or chronic condition which necessitates medication being taken during the school day or may pose a barrier to their learning, the academy is able to develop an ‘Individual Health Care Plan’ where this is appropriate. This will detail the nature of your child’s condition, medication and the necessary actions that need to be taken in order to support them during their time at Horbury Academy.



Horbury Academy offers a wealth of extra-curricular opportunities and educational visits across all year groups. The extra-curricular timetable can be found on the Academy website each year, and there are opportunities for pupils to get involved on a daily basis. These include sporting clubs, such as; Football, Hockey, Trampolining, Rounders, and Rugby. There are opportunities in music, such as; Choir, Ukulele group, guitar club, and other clubs include; cookery club, Art clubs, drama, ICT clubs, Film club, and many more. There is also the opportunity for pupils to use the facilities in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) after school, break, or lunch times. Every department across the Academy offers some educational visits in order to extend pupils learning, and their experiences.

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Music Lessons/ Groups

We have peripatetic music teachers visiting the academy each week. Lessons are approximately twenty minutes and are usually rotated so that pupils do not miss the same lesson each week.


Admissions Information

Horbury Academy admissions for 2024/25 are controlled and administered by Wakefield Local Authority in line with their published policies.



You can find out more about transition from Year 6 on our dedicated web page.


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